The title might seem a little vague but this is due down to how the state school system in the UK seem to think it's perfectly Ok to treat Aspergers girls like they have done something wrong and basically force them out of having any education what so ever!

I don't know what the education system is like in somewhere like the US but in the UK it seems perfectly fine to make state run schools like Federal Prisons! Which in toe can kill any hope of getting any AS girl or boy through the state education system.

What I mean by a Federal Prison is schools seem to get more and more like Gitmo rather than a safe place for learning and it pains me to say this but you might as well chuck AS Girls and Boys into a Mental Health Unit by the age of 11 to save them from the depression and anxiety attacks that follow when they are faced with large, sometimes overcrowded schools where the environment is clinical and the doors lock during lesson times and before them. Also on the outside - this is my experience, there are fences in the grounds that are high up with Barbed wire on top, so that even if you try to get out you can't. This is in a small county of England where school crime rates are not that big but due to over paranonia in schools to prevent any type of crime and to also push their targets up.. theyfeel like they have to basically force their teenage population into a hell hole for how many years and suck the life out of them to get GCSE results that DON'T EVEN BLOODY MATTER IF YOU ARE GOING TO COLLEGE (for my American readers- UK Kids Leave school at 16 and then go to college which is the step in between School and University to gain the qualifications they need to get a better Job or in most cases to go onto Higher Education at a Level 4-6 standard) and this system is actually causing AS Teens to then have horrid panic attacks that can cause them to then in most cases (THIS IS NOT EXTREME) to go on to stop going to school, locking themselves in their bedrooms and then start to harm because they feel guilty as local authorities are angry they send their parents who by the way are the HEROS of this piece to then fork out money because their child has to go to school by law rather than if they choose!

The issue above is just the start as I know from experience that the medical system then goes:

"oh you have panic attacks, we don't want to pump you full of every painkilling antidepressant just yet here have BETA BLOCKERS!"

Beta Blockers FYI- don't mix with AS, they suppress the natural reaction in the heart but don't cure the underlying problem of the  mental aspects of the anxiety disorder that in every case AS people live with on a daily basis. In order to make them better you need to assess the mental disorder and actually treat the other problems that come with the AS. And to put AS people on the correct medication so that they can succeed. Just because they are not the norm, or that they are different or difficult to place in an educational environment does not mean that we should be treated like a second class citizen and part of this problem is about the British or worldwide ignorance to Aspergers and Autism, we can function normally but we need just a little bit of help. And that help needs to be recognised rather than thrown onto the back burner due to the fact there is no money or not enough resources.


Every child deserves the right to have a good education so why should Aspergers people suffer??? 

This has made my blood boil, and it's still happening long before I stopped going to school, and it will continue! In a Modern Day Country who are not third world children are still made to suffer! 

Anyway that is my rant over... spread the word if you can!! 

Sophie xxxx


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