
random title again but i've just had stitches removed and survived a minor
op which happened last week. 

I sat like a trooper but having any type of procedure in a medical environment can be petrifying for the best of us! 

Whether it's a routine appointment to a full on surgery being Aspergers can be a up hill battle of wills within itself. 
I have noticed that medical dramas don't really attempt to show how AS people cope, the only one I can think of in the UK is Holby City which did have a Aspergers character undergoing heart surgery.  The character wasn't a girl , of course it was a male! But it was done to an ok standard with the Aspergers character being portrayed as slightly stupid and couldn't consent to surgery without a carer which can sometimes be case in the form of social skills and anxiety purposes rather than the fact that usually AS people will gather as much information as possible to find out what is
happening to them. Thats what I did I watched yourube videos of cysts being removed to understand what the doctor was gong to do! 
That is my main advice unless the surgery is something like a open heart op or something else where it
might be best to read up rather than watch actual footage. Instead medical dramas are great, House although unorthodox - Doctors don't behave like Greg House (Hugh Lorey) but the detailed surgery and explinations of procedures are good although the conditions are extreme and are in fact fiction. 
ER is another good show for it's representation of triage procedure- the UK version Casuality is on every saturdaynight  after the watershed. 

But if all else fails - here are some simple tips: 

1) Ask your doctor 
Simple I know, but talk to your doctor whether they be your surgeon or GP about what is happening and how the operation will happen and what is involved.

2) Tell someone you're anxious 
If you feel like your having a panic attack or are scared tell either the doctor or a nurse! Nurses are better as they will support you in the operating room and hold your hand if
you are scared. Also they will make conversation to take your mind off whats happening. 

3) You can always say stop
This applies to dentists and doctors and even tattooists , if you are awake and not happy or you need to take a break , Stop is the best word to use. Doctors and Dentist and good tattoo artists will say: 
"Let me know if you want to stop and I will." 
All you have to do is ask. 

4) Relax 
I know thats the hard part, what I say is go to your happy place and breathe. Sometimes I take my MP3 player with me and zone out to Mcfly ... and try not to bounce around the room. 
Other than that just picture a lovely sunny day in a hot country and imagine you're walking along the beach with your toes in the sand and the sea lapping along the show. 

I hope that helps. 

Sophie xxxx


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