When the Mask Slips

This is a really big issue as it happens to all us Aspie girls at one time or another and the true person underneath reveals herself. 
Usually this occurs at home, where we feel at our most secure and for various reasons. 

Mine slips off from time to time and when it happens you usually feel lost or exposed even if you are in your home environment so why does it slip? 

It slips due to tiredness or stress... I know when the mask begins to slip and the:
"No really i'm ok.." routine doesn't cut it anymore and all you really want to say is: 
"F off ... I'm tired, I'm unhappy and i'm sick of .... and ..." 
It can make life seem harder to bare to the point where you retreat to your comfort zone inside your shell and just allow your thoughts to swallow you
up whole, and the nasty cycle
of depression and self
loathing begins out of normally frustration or lack of understanding. 

I want to say it's ok to let the mask slip but it isn't as it's your only safety net you have against the outside world and
to allow the only thing to keep you safe slip off is just not the right thing to do. 

Withdrawl from social situations including ones at home are
sometimes best...
but shouldn't be done for
long periods of time maybe until you feel more confident to confront the social environment again. 
This can be difficult in a public place - but if you can a toilet can be a good escape from people until you can compose yourself. 

Or simply just distract yourself reading is a good thing as you can hide your face and not have to hold eye contact but instead just focus on just the pages of a
book or pictures in a magazine. 

Hope that helps ish? 

sophie xxx


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