The Dreaded Dentist

So we all hate dentists, even you have Asperger's or not, but I have just found out that I need to have a root cannel tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it.

Dentists are a different ball game to Doctors, I don't know whether it's because they treat teeth or just the fact that most of them are scary people but the fact is that a visit to the dentist for us can be terrifying.

I don't like my dentist as a person, which doesn't help, and to be honest I am a biter, which means that if he annoys me I will clamp my teeth around his fingers without hesitating. But when you find out that you have been in overwhelming pain for ages and he has just said:

"oh it's just sensitivity." 

Rather than the correct answer of:

"It looks like the tooth may have been damaged, and there has been a nerve exposed.. so we'll keep an eye on it, and if it gets worse come in..." 

But the truth of the matter is that you are dealing with someone who is trained to deal with teeth rather than Aspergers and duty of care can sometimes go out the window. So now I'm the the horrid situation of knowing that my visit to the dentist is going to end in needles and lots of drilling.

So how do we deal with the anxiety?? 

Again always have your mp3 on you at all times, pick your favourite band and blast them through your ears until you feel like if you continue you might go deaf. I know it sounds silly or stupid but it is the best way to combat stress, also being scared of needles and the pain that goes with it can be awful. 

In the past when it has come to having injections in my mouth , I have asked for sedatives!  Now if you under age then a parent/ guardian will need to ask for the prescription but the only way to make me relax was to drug me. Being relaxed can take the edge of the fact that a needle is going in your mouth and you're more likely to let people do what they want. 
Sedatives don't always mix well with AS, so consult your doctor/dentist before asking for them!! If you are under 18 your parents also have the final say! 

Other times I have just held my breath when they have placed the needle in mouth and squeezed my eyes shut. The thought of the incoming pain can be worse than it actually is. And this is coming from someone who gets tattooed for no other reason than she likes to get tattooed. Also gripping onto the chair really helps until your knuckles go white!!! 

What ever it is , a routine check up or in my case root cannel, the dentist is going to be perhaps more scary that you want it to be!!!


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