Being the Oracle of all random information - Amazing or Annoying?

Yes it's true Aspie girls and the boys to can be like the oracle of all information whether it is on our obsession or passion or just daily little things such as do planets shine? 
The answer to the question above is No... but Planets do reflect light from the sun. 

It is in a way that we are a walking, talking Search Engine, and it can be brilliant to retain random information or sometimes just plain annoying. There isn't much I can say on the science behind the ability to be a walking Google. But in some ways it could be due to the fact that our long term memories work better than our short term memories. We can remember things that we heard on the radio, or watched on TV. Random facts that will mean nothing to someone can mean something to us. The Brain is an amazing organ which allows us to think and formulate words and language, see images and feel emotions but sometimes the brain can be our downfall. 

There are Pros and Cons to all things in Life but when it comes retaining and actually storing information being Asperger's is a pro rather than a con.

They say Knowledge is Power, and it is! 

Gloria Foster- The Matrix 1997.
We are truly the Oracle.  If you are wondering who this lovely lady is she is the actress who played the all seeing and all knowing Oracle from the Film The Matrix(Watch it, epic film that will blow you mind!) Whether we like it or not we will always be able to have that awesome power of telling people the most random of facts!!! 

Sophie xxx


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