Pre University Nerves

So it's my final semester of my final and it's now half 1 in the morning and I can't sleep. This might be an anxiety thing as leading up to what is happening in the next 4 months is explained to us later on today. 

Our assignment brief is vauge as anything and does not make any sense at all, but all I know is that I have to produce a Radio Drama/Live Show from stratch and then write not 1 but 2 essays. 

My university have been good to me this past year but I need support more than ever as I do have issues of when I get serverly stressed I start to blister and I want to pull my hair out. This common for most AS girls. 

So i'll update in the evening and tell you that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was bur for now i'm going to try to push up some Z's 

Sophie xxx


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