Anxiety has kinda left the building

Last night I posted about being anxious about finding out about what my final project would intail and I was silly to be nervous as everything in todays lecture covered all the points. 

For a start I'm the only one out of the radio students that is taking a radio drama. Part of me thinks I should do one about an asperger's girl but my main idea is a light hearted romantic comedy set in London. 

I also have additional support from one lecturer who is seeing me tomorrow... so I can put questions to her that I wouldn't have thought of in the lecture today and also on the radio tomorrow. 
Tonight there is rest for the wicked (that being me) as I am going to a screening ... waiting for my mum to come and join me. 
When i'm stressed I crave full fat hot chocolates ... I'm a girl thats all I'll say. 

Had a catch up with my friend from university , which reminds me I am going to post something about friendships as I gind it difficult to make friends and also keep them for too long. I'll ask my main friends if I can use their piccys and introduce them to you ;). Also about facebook and the dangers that might have as an online friend might not be a real friend in real life? 

I know I haven't been posting a lot lately but I am going to try. Thank you for staying with my blog :). 

Sophie xxx


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