Who am I ? Personal Branding and Aspergers

In lecture and well just watching an presentation on 'Personal Branding'.

Now in terms of AS this might be something that we have to adapt. I said in the coming up post that I would be doing different things and well a Light Bulb just clicked on in my head. On this presentation the only questions that popped up were:

Who am I? 

What is my Unique Selling Point? 

When thinking about this, I got confused as I don't really still know who am I as a person and what is my unique selling point. And the focus and energy I have to do a self assessment of myself and breakdown and analyse all my strengths and weaknesses I have as a person. 

To breakdown and analyse this I need to look inside myself and as a Aspergers person I have in my head anyway ... Breakdown the ASPERGERS ELEMENT... which seems to be the only thing I kind of Understand in my head. 

Now really in simple terms we can look at what personality traits I have which cancels out the AS in a sense: 

So what personality traits best describe me? 

  1. Bubbly 
  2. Hard Working 
  3. Determined 
  4. Compassionate 
I could go on and on ... but to actually to then find your USP ... there has to be elements of your own personality that makes you Unique. 

Now I know that we are Unique... so in a way forget the NEGATIVE ASPECTS of Aspergers and spin them into a POSITIVE

So little tips: 

1) Try to find out who you are: 

I'm not talking about going on an island and paying some guru to tell you how to search for your inner self, I mean looking at who you are as a person and then applying it to well work and education. Really don't want to push on the work front, but in education what sort of impression are you setting? 
If you want to go to that University that is the best in the country?  Well first off UCAS (those lovely people) will ask you to write a personal statement and the thing is that you will not know what to write. I didn't and I went through it and thought what do they actually? 
But I did declare I was Aspergers and actually gave the positive aspects on my Aspergers.. so the organisation, punctuality, hard working, dedicated.. I could go on and with the grades I got from my BETEC I got into the University I wanted to go to. 

2) Don't be to afraid to know what your weaknesses are.. 

We all are ... even non Aspergers person are self conscious of what their weaknesses are. It's good to know what your weaknesses are and to work on cancelling out the weaknesses and turning them into strengths. Most of knowing who you are as a person is knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are and working on them. 

3) Don't beat yourself up

I do it all the time, you worry and then bang you think you're not good enough.. and then that cycle of negativity starts and it's hard to break out of this cycle. 
My honest advice is to just to step back and evaluate the situation and just not get to involved. That doesn't sound helpful but in simple terms- when looking what weaknesses you do have don't think instantly thats all your fault because of X,Y and Z. What you need to do is just basically think to yourself I have this weakness and what can I DO to correct it? 

I could rabbit on over and over again but this is the main thing ... be happy in your inner self... and well you already have 1 Unique selling point .... Your Aspergers!!! 

Sophie xxx


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