University + Me = Disaster!!

So I'm due to start university next week after loads of messing about.... So by next week I need to have my loan which still hasn't come through and to be registered. 

One of my modules that I really want to do isn't on my timetable I feel like sobbing as I have looked forward to it all summer. 

What universities and educational insitutions need to understand is that Aspergers students can't do with this messing about. I have to contact a load of people and I hate doing that ... Emails and phone calls being passed from pillar to post. 

I cannot give any tips to you guys really I can't ... I still struggle with ringing a d contacting people. 

So my first point of call will be student support who really should've helpped me 2 years ago!!!

On a lighter note I have looked into a Post Grad degree that i'm really excited about :) 

sorry for letting off steam ... I will post some useful tips soon. 

Sophie xxxx


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